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1. Branding

Brand design is always an important stepping-stone in building and developing a business. Because brand design is the starting point for the "life" of a brand.

Brand design can include:
• Design logos, colors, fonts
• Brand identity set: Core identity, office identity, marketing publications, digital identity, outdoor identity...

Namecard Design


Brand Identity

Meroddu - Beauty and SKincare

Showroom Design

Minh Trí - SK ZIC

Brand Identity

Mekong Petrochem

Brand Identity

SK ZIC Vietnam

UI Guidelines

Katsuma - Katgo

Logo Guidelines

Flower - Beautify Life

2. Packaging Design

80% of customers choose products based on emotions as soon as they are on the shelf! A beautiful, unique packaging design will surely impress customers, making it easy for them to "single closing" to buy that product right away.

Packaging Design

FX Oil

Packaging Design

MAPOLA - Wine Maker

Packaging Design

Intreccio - Wine Bottle Packaging

Packaging Design

Atacama - Wine Bottle Packaging

Packaging Design

Mekong - Access Gear

Packaging Design

Meroddu - Beauty and Skincare

Packaging Design

Rap - Wine Bottle Packaging

Packaging Design


Packaging Design


Packaging Design


3. Website Design - UX/UI

Here, we will share with you our website knowledge, website design experience, beautiful, unique and creative website features and interfaces.

Website Design

SK ZIC Vietnam

Dropdown Menu Styles

SK ZIC Vietnam

Dropdown Menu Styles (App)

SK ZIC Vietnam

Website Mobile UI (I)

SK ZIC Vietnam

Website Mobile UI (II)

SK ZIC Vietnam

Website Mobile UI (III)

SK ZIC Vietnam

Dropdowns UI

Katsuma - Katgo

Toggle Field

Katsuma - Katgo

Coming soon...


Coming soon...


Coming soon...


4. Video Editing

In an era where users are increasingly lazy to read words, more and more interested in images, sounds, and videos, if you continue to stay out of that trend, you will be far behind your competitors.

5 Năm 1 Chặng Đường

Katsuma - Year End Party

Outro Video

SK ZIC Vietnam

Commercial Video

SK ZIC Vietnam

Commercial Video

SK ZIC Vietnam

CV Motion Graphic (2016)

Tài Nguyễn Portfolio

CV Motion Graphic (2018)

Tài Nguyễn Portfolio


Queen Beauty

Commercial Video

Queen Beauty

Commercial Video

Queen Beauty

6. Marketing Design

Marketing design - advertising will be an effective tool to help create attractive visual content images, thereby promoting marketing activities., ...

Facebook Ads


Facebook Ads


Facebook Ads

YAO Care

GDN (Google Display Network)

Golden Logistic

Shopee Products Frame

SK ZIC Vietnam

Poster ZIC M7

SK ZIC Vietnam

Social Media

Queen Beauty - Dr. Nhơn

Social Media

Meroddu Beauty Skincare

Social Media


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